by neumeyeradmin neumeyeradmin

Waltz Mill Tools and Equipment Decommissioning

Westinghouse Electric Corporation
Madison, PA – 1999 – $500,000

Scope of Work:
Approximately 2,500 tons of obsolete tools and equipment used in service and repair of commercial nuclear power generation facilities required disposal.

Neumeyer Environmental segregated, sized, and packaged materials for off-site treatment and processing. We dismantled contaminated components and equipment, and segregated waste materials (metals, wood, plastics, etc.). Neumeyer Environmental shredded the materials to reduce shipping and disposal costs.

Valuable warehouse space was cleared of obsolete equipment. Removal of contaminated items from the warehouse reduced background radiation within the building.

by neumeyeradmin neumeyeradmin

Beaver Valley Nuclear Power Station Demolition

First Energy Corporation
Shippingport, PA – 2005-2006 – $350,000

Scope of Work:
Homeland security regulations required removal of five multi-story office buildings surrounding this nuclear power station in order to open up defensive lines of sight. The buildings were contaminated with asbestos-containing materials and electrical equipment that contained PCBs.

Neumeyer Environmental removed over 2,500 cubic yards of asbestos materials and approximately 250 cubic yards of PCB-containing electrical components. Following removal of these contaminants, Neumeyer Environmental demolished the structures and recycled 1,900 tons of steel and non-ferrous metals. One structure housed a full-scale model breeder reactor, 14′ in diameter and 50′ high, constructed during the 1950s. We constructed a shipping container and relocated the model to a storage facility. The reactor model will be displayed in a museum dedicated to the history of nuclear power.

The renovation and upgrade of the nuclear power facility is an ongoing process due to the magnitude of the work. The project is being performed with a focus on recycling and salvage in support of environmental conservation.