by neumeyeradmin neumeyeradmin

PTC Remediation of Illegal Dump Site 51G

Mashuda Corporation
Brownsville, PA – 2008 – $235,000

Scope of Work:
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is performing a phased construction of an interstate highway in Washington County. Neumeyer Environmental was contracted to clean up an illegal dump site that was within the right-of-way of the proposed road. The illegal dump site included asbestos building materials, paint cans, drums and debris across a ½ mile stretch of the highway layout. The debris was profiled and disposed in accordance with regulatory requirements. The project was part of a initiative that required preservation of the standing trees. This criteria required a significant amount of handwork and manual labor to complete the work.

by neumeyeradmin neumeyeradmin

PennDOT SR 22 Expansion

Mascaro Corporation
Murrysville and Delmont, PA – 2002-2003 – $821,000

Scope of Work:
Expansion of Route 22 from two lanes to four lanes required the demolition of 25 buildings that had been constructed with asbestos-containing materials (ACM).

Neumeyer Environmental removed 1,700 cubic yards of ACM from the houses.

by neumeyeradmin neumeyeradmin

Hope Pump Station Stack Removal

Consolidated Natural Gas Company
Pine Grove, WV – 1997 – $390,000

Scope of Work:
This project involved dismantling a concrete smokestack at a coal-fired power plant. The stack was located adjacent to a natural gas compressor station. The smokestack dimensions were 23 feet in diameter at the base by 325 feet high. It was the tallest stack in the US when it was built early in the 20th century. The surface of the stack was coated with asbestos- and lead-containing paint. The proximity of the stack to an adjacent structure and to a high-pressure gas line buried several feet from the base required the stack to be carefully dismantled, piece-by-piece, rather than imploded.

Neumeyer Environmental developed an approach to the stack demolition to suit the site constraints and work activities that had not been used before. Demolition was accomplished by suspending a hydraulic shear from a crane. The shear was fitted with guide rails that positioned the shear jaws at the wall of the stack. The rails were designed to deflect the concrete into the stack interior. TV cameras were mounted along the boom of the crane with monitors inside the crane cab at ground level. This allowed the operator to control the shear from a safe location. Dismantling was performed mechanically so that personnel were not working at high elevations.

The approach to this demolition proved successful and the area was returned to production supporting a maintenance and repair facilities operation.

by neumeyeradmin neumeyeradmin

Alcoa Technical Center, Pittsburgh

Alcoa Incorporated
Westmoreland County, PA – 1988-2009 – $500,000

Scope of Work:
Alcoa is the leading producer of primary aluminum, fabricated aluminum and alumina facilities in the world. Neumeyer Environmental has been providing abatement services to Alcoa for plant renovations for their regional facilities since the late 80’s.

Our services include sampling and analysis, removal of ACM, segregation of building materials from regulated ACM for C&D disposal, salvage or disposal in licensed facilities, and decontamination of all affected areas. Neumeyer Environmental safely abates the ACM to allow Alcoa facilities to be returned to use.