Balfour Beatty Infrastructure
Pittsburgh, PA – 2004-2005 – $235,000

Removal of asbestos-containing window systems, exterior view
Scope of Work:
Construction of a new highway interchange required demolition of two large commercial buildings. One was a metal framework structure covered with 60,000 square feet of asbestos panels; it had been used as a distribution warehouse for industrial rubber products. The second building had housed a sales and processing operation for a water treatment company. In addition to 4,000 square feet of asbestos containing materials (ACM) in floors, roofs, and insulation materials, the building contained 500 tons of hazardous caustics and acids that had been used for water treatment.
At the rubber products warehouse, Neumeyer Environmental coated each asbestos siding panel with encapsulant to seal in any loose asbestos fibers. The 300 pound panels were unbolted, lowered to the ground, wrapped in plastic sheeting and placed in a roll-off containers. The ACM was transported to a regulated facility for disposal. After completion of the abatement, Neumeyer Environmental demolished the building.

Removal of asbestos-containing window systems, interior view
In the water treatment building, Neumeyer Environmental drained and flushed all tanks and piping and collected the chemicals in containers provided by the DOT. We shipped the chemicals to a hazardous waste processing facility. Neumeyer Environmental removed and disposed of the ACM from the structure and demolished the building.
Neumeyer Environmental recycled 800 tons of structural steel and provided 3,000 tons of crushed concrete for use as roadway base material.