by neumeyeradmin neumeyeradmin

Mekis Construction Company
Erie, PA – 2003-2004 – $380,000

Scope of Work:
Realignment of 38th Street included multiple environmental challenges.

  1. Decontamination and removal of several structures that contained asbestos-containing building materials.
  2. Removal of a gasoline station, including demolition of a building and decontamination and removal of four 10,000-gallon underground gasoline tanks.
  3. Relocating the Mill Creek stream bed to an area that had been used as a landfill and that contained organic and chemical waste.

Neumeyer Environmental removed and disposed the asbestos-containing materials, demolished the structures and disposed the resulting uncontaminated construction debris. Neumeyer Environmental demolished the structure and disposed the construction debris. We decontaminated and removed the four 10,000-gallon underground tanks. Inspection of the surrounding soil revealed that no contamination had occurred. Neumeyer Environmental removed 20,000 cubic yards of soil contaminated with organic and chemical waste. The soils were profiled as residual rather than hazardous waste, substantially reduced the cost of its disposal.

The Mill Creek stream bed was successfully relocated as required for realignment of 38th Street.